I’m Shelby, and I’m here for you. In whatever phase your photography dreams are in.

I have always loved giving tips + tricks to people who just have no clue where to even start. When I started my business I learned everything myself, and honestly it was always the hard way. I would be on my 10th YouTube video at 3am trying to learn camera settings, the exposure triangle, poses, how to run a business behind the scenes and set up bank accounts. I would get so frustrated because I felt like I was wasting my time, and honestly, it was super discouraging. I know what it’s like to try to turn a hobby into a business. What ever stage you’re in I’ve been there! I feeeeel for you… But now, with 4+ years of experience and a $100k earner, I feel like I am at a point where I have too much knowledge not to share, and LOVE teaching people things to where they can better understand and that lightbulb goes off in their head.

So. I’m here. In all aspect. Now let’s get to building your dream

business in an effortless way!


Mentoring starts at 400, but is customizable. I offer different types of mentoring, whether you are needing help with a physical session + posing and just want to see what I do + what I would recommend, or how I can help your editing + workflow, even things like setting up financial accounts + helping you with your website. My mentoring is a one stop shop and you’ll find everything you need here and with me. 

Come to my home and chill with me for the day! I can’t WAIT to meet you, help you and watch your business flourish!